General Question
What should I do if the upgrade process is failed for some reason?
You have to download the latest version from our website and install it again.
Which asset categories are supported?
TradingDiary Pro supports stock, futures, options, futures options, warrant, forex, CFD and bond asset categories.
Is there a limitation for trades?
No, there isn’t. You can add as many trades to your database as you want.
Is there a limitation for TradingDiary Pro account numbers?
No, there isn’t. You can create as many accounts (TradingDiary Pro database) as you want.
Common Problems
I got the file sharing violation error. What should I do?
TradingDiary Pro based on the Microsoft's SQL Server Compact Edition, which is a one file database system. The database engine needs exclusive lock thus the database cannot be saved on a shared or network folder. Please save it on a real drive.
Can I use my TradingDiary Pro on my home PC and my laptop at the same time?
With one serial number you can register two PCs. If you would like to use on a third PC you have to buy another subscription.
Can I use TradingDiary Pro without being connected to the internet?
Yes you can, but after 5 days without validation the software turns into read-only mode. After a successful validation the 5 day period is restarted.
Is the trial limited in the features?
Yes. In the trial version you can’t export Capital Gains report and it shows only the first 100 rows.
Which data is sent to the license server?
Only the hardware id of your PC is sent to our license server. The privacy is important for us. That’s why we do not request your email address for a trial key.
What happens if my trial has expired?
You can use your TradingDiary Pro after your trial expired but you cannot add or modify any trade in your database.
Why do I see two forex positions with opposite direction for the same currency pair (ticker)?
Check which forex ordering method is set under the Options Menu. If the FX is set always use the close position context menu (right click over the position) to close a trade otherwise TradingDiary Pro identifies every new trade as a new open position.
Why does the open positions view show more or less open position(s) than the reality?
Check the end date in the filter settings. It is possible that the date is not set to the current date. The best way is to set All Dates in the filter section.
Import modules
Which statement file formats by Interactive Brokers are supported?
XML statements created by the Flex Queries are supported.
Why do I get Invalid Request from Interactive Brokers?
Check if your token is valid. Check whether you have filled in the ID fields with numbers instead of the name of the query.
I've got SecureChannelFailure error during Interactive Brokers web service import
Windows 7 does not support newer secure communication protocols. Interactive Brokers required the latest one which is not supported under Windows 7. You have to upgrade your operating system to Windows 10 at least to use Interactive Brokers web service import module. As a work around you can still download the xml file by running the Flex queries and load import them into TradingDiary Pro using the Interactive Brokers Flex file import module.
Why are there a different profit values for forex positions in the Positions View and the Capital Gains Report?
For forex positions the profit calculation is different in the Capital Gains Report and in the other reports including the Positions View. In the Capital Gains Report the amount of trade is converted back to base currency and the gain or loss is the difference between the two amounts. In the Positions View the gain or loss is calculated in the currency of the instrument and this gain is converted back to the base currency. A real trading example, base currency USD:
Open: -50,000 GBP.JPY on 9/2/2009 8:58 AM at price 149.75 with conversion rate 0.010851
Close: 50,000 GBP.JPY on 9/3/2009 2:03 AM at price 150.73 with conversion rate 0.010784
The positions view shows 49,000 JPY losses in the currency of the instrument and $528.42 in the base currency. With Capital Gains ‘method’ the value in base currency of the open trade is $81246.86 and the value of the close trade is 81273.62. The loss is only $26.76.